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Know a Gamer? They may have been hacked.

So this evening Blizzard has announced that they have had a security issue and that some emails and other account information has been compromised.

More info here: Forbes

All we can say is Wow! Yahoo, Blizzard, LinkedIn, Apple, it has been the summer of the hacker. In the case of Blizzard, they brought this upon themselves. They insisted that Diablo 3 would be a constant online experience, meaning that you had to be connected to the internet in order to play the game, no web, no play. They also installed an auction house for in game items for real cash. I am surprised it took this long for them to get hacked.

If you have World of Warcraft, StarCraft, or Diablo 3 change your password’s change your security questions as well, some are reporting that mobile and dial in authenticator may be compromised as well.

I know the weather is going to be nice this weekend but please change and list your online accounts and change all of your passwords. If your online accounts have security questions, like Favorite pets name? or Street you were young?  Change those as well.

We are doing Security Audits for you and your systems, call us and we can help.