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Friday Q&A

It has been a busy week and we are going to cover some of the questions we received last week and talk about some new tech news. I received calls and emails about Windows 8, the New iPad, and infected computers.

Windows 8

First, the main question I have heard all week: Should I install Windows 8? Short answer: No.
The Consumer Preview is not ready for daily use on your computer. I always install new operating systems on my test computer so that I can test them thoroughly and then give first-hand advice to my customers. To be honest, I have found many issues since installing Windows 8 last week. One of the funniest is this: random videos start playing without any prompting. I can’t stop laughing long enough to find the setting that fixes it (but I will).
Windows 8 is at its heart designed for tablets and touch screen PCs. As such, it is too early to download and install this on your computer. I will be posting more on Windows 8 soon; but unless you have some pressing need to do otherwise, why not take the safe route, and rely on me to give you the “all clear.”

Virus, virus, who gave me this %$#@!! virus?

Second question this week: How did my computer get this nasty virus?
I serviced four computers this week that each had three versions of the same malware infection (virus). As soon as the industry figures out how to prevent the original virus, the folks who created it make changes; pretty soon it comes roaring back.
There’s a recent online scam associated with this. They promise to remove the virus from your PC for $79.00; so, you give them your credit card info. Pretty soon you learn that the only thing that got wiped out is your credit limit. The virus is still there.
Worse, they have control of your internet connection, and install a program that sends out more copies of the infection. So, if you think you have a virus problem, please put it in the hands of someone trustworthy.
This is where we mention that we are running a Virus Removal Special for a limited time. Get more information, and learn more about malware.

New iPad 3

Third question this week: What do you think about the new iPad? Should I get it?

The best piece I’ve read on this comes from The Washington Post. They outline the top five reasons to get the iPad, and the top five reasons not to get one. The consensus of tech journalists seems to be this: If you have the iPad 2 and it does everything you need it to do, you’re good. If you have the iPad 1, or if you don’t have an iPad yet, then jump on this. If you’re sitting on the fence, or if you kinda-sorta wish your iPad 2 had a faster internet connection, then wait a couple of months until in-depth, serious testing produces more scientifically based reviews. Pre-orders sold out; Apple is promising delivery between March 16-20, 2012.

So to sum it up (and to hit all three questions at once), no matter what operating system you’re using, do not click on a free iPad offer, because it’s sure to carry a virus.
Have a great week everyone and thanks for the questions. If you have any problems or questions you can email, call @206-935-9654 or post them in the comment section for next week’s Q&A.